no matter the for all

the weather be changing,
the mood with it too
a cosy warmth texture that be of skin.
to not be naked...?... no need such pleasure end
for the windows be shut,
the curtains slightly drawn, the winds billow outside.

it be the setting of autumn nearly deep in its stay for the next few months.
it be a change of season in thought too.
no longer the fine light cloth be ones garb
now be sort the boots deep and long
the clothing toasty and warming.


behind closed doors
there be no change what be sort
maybe...greater closeness...that one who knows to be tactile
who knows to pull one close
who knows to warm the cockles of a maidens heart.
...the one that kisses the breasts softly
the mouth deeply
knows to caress the back sensual
and make the blood flow warm.

the one that be
a lover
for all seasons.



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