to watch tv...a smile did form.

there it was the television did play
a scene played out, to hear what they say
a love affair, a triangle doomed
where broken hearts and much tears loomed.
interesting be to see reactions
and why there be between certain people attractions
what is it that the body makes tingle
wishing with the other to mingle.
 the mind be captured by who they are
the admiration at first, from afar
and then a step or two in their direction
in the hope of winning their affection.
and on the sideline be that unrequited one
feeling real forlorn and seriously dumb
that frustration welling a need to express
no longer the desire that anger to suppress.

 so off on a tangent furious and direct
the oration and flailing of hands the attacked to affect
stunned into silence for of that love unaware
not moving or speaking nor reacting, to dare.
and once that flood of a frustrated one
spilt and spewed and finally done
then the chance of the stunned other
to walk away, with no response to bother.

oh how the guilt then knows to gnaw
the realisation of what was done was wrong for sure
now how to set the record straight
before matters got worse and it be too late.
the saving grace be the comedy played out
sheepishly did the apology forward spout
and in the end a friendship to form
to accepting that idea their mind did warm.

 a movie it be but, so true to life
in matters of love some sort of strife
take heed to not over-react
for it may backfire, that be a fact.

 what self control many a time it takes
when a monster destructive within one wakes
try count to ten and walk away
let logic prevail and save the day.



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