a cruel awakening...

oh why would i even want to wake up to the call of the morning!?!
when dreams still stirring in my loins throb and beg...!
to fall back into the warm covers of the bed.
the mind still captured by the image of u between my thighs
stirring desire intense,
awakening moans lusty and deep
and groaning growls as your lips....travel...
i want them to tease and taste the sweetness of yearnings
achingly possessive....to rest in the crease of the softness of my thigh and womaness
and breath in the muskiness of a woman's desire to be possessed.
and in my dream
my body knew to arch toward your gaze...
your hands firmly gripping my buttocks as u kneel, MANLY, between my spread legs.
i want u to eat me with your gaze ....my writhing hips...do know to make u harder...
further... harder... up....! i thrust as if your lusty stare  
could satiate my need of u...and just as u begin to dip your head to taste of me...
my eyes know to open and then...begins the struggle
to recapture the dream.
how cruel an awakening...how desirous
to while away the morning in remembrance of my dream.



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