man...trying so hard to stay under the radar...why?

 what is it about u that knows to warm the cockles of my heart, stir my mind
and ignite desires so deep?
fires my imagination with words that trip over each other for they fall short?
expression desirous to be shown in ways that live within me.

how my being itches to invite u into my world where submission to
who i am
my erotica!...
my luscious existence!...
my abundant and real and giving and taking mind,
wishes to show u the magic of what could be.

why is it that u fear to embrace and surrender?...
a passive yet passionate acknowledgement and acceptance
of the normality of all that imbues love
in so many different ways?
why are u blind and so tight and abrasive when another dares to touch on topics sensual?
could it be that u know not yourself?
floundering in societies hypothetical theories on sensuality and erotica?
where be your trust in the instinct u possess when faced with a situation
so intimately telling and revealing?
...confidence....why have u lost?
why do  u not dare to let me lead? what is it that holds u back?
the exposure of the beauty of a virile man
who desires nothing more but, to feel, like a man he knows he is... and... can be?

i can see u
i wish to know u
that which u try so hard to keep under wraps
need no longer lie dormant.
let it fly...let it free....a state of sensual well-being...
why not?



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