when a lover is more than just a bodily indulgence
...when a lover is more than just a bodily indulgence...
...she looked at him and he felt his heart melt, the softness the intent of her gaze, the desire to tell a story simply by looking at him. She did know to speak on and on and, many a time, lose direction and thought at what she was actually trying to say.
But, her verbal meanderings were interesting and fantastical, making him wonder what her head space actually looked like.
Was it a kaleidoscope of colour...sometimes bright and distinctly individual or, was it a mesh of woven rays of brightness, nothing too distinct?
He thought to himself, to be a lover as she, needed something very extraordinary in thought. The surrender of self, allowing the flow of energy, the intent to sear and burn the other. Her hunger for his nearness so powerful it knew to draw him in, breaking down all resistance and selfishly needing to indulge in every curve, every mound....roundness....depth...sweet sweet succulent depth of her.
She was special for she gave of herself not simply physically, but, if one could say...'whole'...?...all...?...beyond....without concern for self preservation of emotion.
He saw how it drained her when he had to leave.
But, he masked his concern of the separation by thoughts of next time. He knew he was selfish, he knew he had it better than her...he just couldn't let her go. She made him feel complete.
That part of life he did not have at home.
And as the plane lifted, his mind went to the night before....the pace at which she had begun to dance her magic around him.
Her hands knew to feel, rather, than touch beyond the surface of his skin....her touch travelled into the flow of his blood stream, instant arousal...but not the kind, to put it crudely,to fuck
...he needed her to
...have him
....taste him
...breath him
...see him.
It was not an arousal of his manhood due to knowing that they may indulge in coital pleasures, it was what she did to his brain that fired his body. She played with his sight, she played with her words, she played with her presence, she played with him...in the most delicious and unselfish way possible.
The sincerity of wanting to devour him, climb into his spirit and invite him into hers, made him yelp like a pup. Her lusciousness of intent,a pure seduction, coaxing him over the edge of logic and reason...that is why he couldn't leave her be.
She was his fix...his temptress, his sanctuary when life knew to become pastel and meaningless... RB
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