the eve before the video shoot
the eve before the video shoot...
quietly naked ... serenely lost in a rundown of the few hours left before,
the cameras come to life.
a sexy nervousness settles and the mind begins to meander through imagined scenarios...
of two lovers enraptured in nothing more...than each other.
the desire to possess and free with a pull on the strings of sanity...
to play and feed off each others gaze, touch...closeness.
each knowing the other better than themselves... as if the physical form belonged to the others conscious.
and thus, to be in each others company, a seduction to nurture the beauty of true lovers.
no matter the circumstance, no matter the place...nothing knows to inhibit the rawness of
a desirous luscious need to let the other know
how much they wanted.
a video created to stir the embers of seductive erotica that dwells deep within all
...male and female...RB
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