how much is enough...financially. know to shed wisdom , even in areas where one may imagine oneself wise enough already.
For those that think they too wise or, know it all, at any point in their lives...sorry for u...the world will pass u by, sooner rather than later, u will be shown up for your desire to stay in a state stubbornly ignorant.
Lending a keen ear, does not mean one is expected to believe or take on anything heard. But, it does leave the option open for further investigation and application in ones life, should it make sense and be suitable for further growth and success .
I love pioneers...and by that i mean...not only those that dare to venture into unknown territories but, also those who dare to better their lives and adopt and adapt to a new way of thinking or lifestyle positive.
To aspire and surround oneself and intentionally will positivity even bigger than that which one may possess, should be a normal state of being.
and thus the story...
"It has been so long since i have seen u! Trust u have been keeping well?!?" An enthusiastic and sincere greeting on seeing an old acquaintance that had been missing in action for quite some time. She did notice though, that his demeanour was not one filled with energy and if anything, he seemed to be a little "out of it"...a quiet disassociation of what was around him.
"Are u ok....?" she asked, since his response was a mere shrugging of shoulders.
"Ag...just feeling a bit narfy..." he responded.
"Well. I think i know what narfy means. But what do u mean by that. Are u sickly?"
"Not at all." He said. "Its just i have no interest to be busy anymore, i know the wrongs in my business but....i simply don't care. U know when u aware that they taking u for a ride yet, u make no effort to rectify it because it will make no difference in your life? I am there. How much more do i want? It is time to sell off everything and just be plain lazy. I have worked hard enough and made enough."
All she could do was stand back and smile..."I like your narfy." she said..." wouldn't mind being narfy, just like u. Yes! one day i shall be just as narfy as u!"
He was definitely a character she had much to learn from. His positive outlook as to his dedicated application to hard work that knew to reap rewards later in his life, was worthy of noting and hearing how he did it.
Their visit was an interesting educational one for her and for him, a realisation that maybe it was time he wasn't tooooo narfy and best get out there and tie up the lose ends and work toward freeing himself of unnecessary existing responsibilities. It was time to put the full stops to his finished endevours."
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