the art of conversing

This week did reveal many a jewel, food for thought, challenging and informative conversations leading to the following observation...

 ...when one sits down to read, no matter what it may be...does one approach a read with a preconceived notion and understanding of the topic at hand or, does one indulge with a free mind?

If, for example, one is having an issue with another and then receives an email from such a person...does ones heart become erratic , instilling a foreboding of words unpleasant, expecting a demand of some sort on ones person...thus having no desire to open the mail?
Would it be fair to presume such? Could it, maybe, not be, a reaching out of some sort to address the matter at hand... a solution going forward?
And then, when words read, does one read with bias, understanding and analysing the written in a context wrong?...leading to misunderstandings and unhappiness?
Is it difficult, is it possible,  to interpret the written word without adding a personal spin to it? 

The importance of, sincere and direct. Presuming another may know where one is coming from can lead to many misinterpretations and unfortunate results.
The courage to say it as it is , to share ones concerns, fear of a positive light.

The ability to return to the art of conversing, eye to eye, sharing in the presence of another ones words ...the meaning of the words spoken seen in the speakers eyes, gestures, posture, demeanour...knowing to understand the context of the conversation, ask questions when it may not make sense...allow the flow of words to inform, assist and help understand each other better.

Or, has society become so marred and scarred with social expectations which make no sense anymore...getting lost  in a confusion of rules and boundaries...floundering, forgetting the basics required for contentment and satisfaction..turning to media and platforms electronic and impersonal...believing the eternal spew of too much information shared...a constant anomaly presumed fact as tried and tested.
Social media...the sharing of personal and intimate fears and joys and concerns and desires...a scary place to indulge could it ever be the correct platform for the development of social skills of any sort... ?...RB.



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